The beauty in strength...

All is calm
All is right
Serene and warm
Like a fire's light
Seems like this
Is what our life
Was meant to be:
No worry or strife

But a smooth sailing
Wasn't meant for me
What fun is life
If you aren't free?

Wind raging,
The rain pours down
The warm light fades
And darkness surrounds...

Storms rage all round
Laughter drowned
By thunderous sounds
And change profound

All is shaken
The permanent fades
Preconcieved ideals,
Mistakes we made

Washed away
With a clean slate
Anew today
The mind elate

The storm raged
The storm passed
The power and strength
To which all was lost

Inspiring and wonderful
In all its power
Its wrath beautiful
Remembered forever

Even sterngth and power
Rage and wrath
Inspire wonder
And so i ponder
Both gentle and strong
Have a purpose
But seeing their beauty
Is up to us...
         -Nikita Sall Noronha

P.S. pic by Pip Andersen (freerunner)


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